Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Leading Others: From Principles to Practice
SchoolSport, Ex and Rehab Sciences
Department Sport, Ex and Rehab Sciences
Module Code 03 38255
Module Lead tbc
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-10 hours
Seminar-15 hours
Tutorial-15 hours
Project supervision-10 hours
Guided independent study-150 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description Working with others is an important concept in all professions. Understanding in this area also provides a basis for the development of an initial awareness of fundamental considerations associated with leadership. This module will deliver important theoretical and practical concepts associated with team-work. This content will include principles of team-work and leadership, project management, building relationships, managing conflict, creating, maintaining and de-constructing teams and environmental factors that can impact team effectiveness. The module will also consider issues around the integration of self with others as well as other important team-work skills such as adaptability, shared situational awareness, interpersonal relations, communication, decision making and co-ordination. The second part of the module will focus on further developing material on reflection and meta reflection and the role that both individual and group reflections can play in effective evaluations and de-briefs.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Describe and critically evaluate theoretical concepts and key and principles associated with team-work
  • Understand important issues associated with integration of self with others and recognise, plan and develop other important team-work skills
  • Critically evaluate the role of reflection and meta reflection in the development of effective collaboration
Assessment 38255-01 : Assignment 1 : Coursework (35%)
38255-02 : Assignment 2 : Coursework (65%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment
Coursework 1000-word essay (35%, start of Semester)
Coursework 3000-word reflective journal (65%, end of Semester)
The module reassessment will include the completion of a single coursework essay that presents the theory and practical development of leadership from the perspective of team work and the role that reflection and meta-reflection plays in effective practice (4000 words)
Reading List