Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Precision and regenerative medicine
SchoolSchool of Infec, Inflam, Immun
Department Biomedical Sciences
Module Code 02 38638
Module Lead Dr Christopher Mee, Dr Laura O’Neill
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Pre-requisites Stem Cells and Development - (02 27789) Cancer and Stratified Medicine - (02 27785)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Seminar-16 hours
Tutorial-4 hours
Guided independent study-160 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module will consider the impact of modern cell and molecular analysis and manipulation methods on our understanding of disease pathophysiology and the diagnosis and therapy of both common and rare inherited diseases and cancer. The development of novel “omic” sequencing technologies to drive public health and research initiatives will be discussed. Stem cells (embryonic, induced pluripotent and cancer) will be explored, with emphasis on the applications of stem cell technology in the understanding of disease mechanisms and development of precision medicine. Precision medicine will be further introduced and investigated with a view to understanding the role of genomic, environmental and lifestyle approaches which can be used to further customise medical decisions, treatments, practices, or products tailored to the patient/condition compared to a “one drug fits all” model.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Critically review current knowledge and understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of tissue regeneration, selected inherited diseases and cancers
  • Critically evaluate contemporary molecular analysis methods and their applications in disease diagnosis and management
  • Critically analyse, evaluate and interpret the use of current techniques in precision medicine in the biomedical sciences field
  • Research, conduct, and critically defend an oral presentation on a topic commensurate with the field of precision and/or regenerative medicine
Assessment 38638-01 : Overall Module Mark : Mixed (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

End of year written exam 50% (2 from 4 DIQ, Essay)

Coursework total 50%:

Poster presentation and oral defence of poster

Written synopsis of poster and defence of choice of topic and content

Overall Pass mark for the module is 50%.

It is a requirement that students achieve a mark of at least 45% in their summative exam.

Failure to submit: Submission of coursework is compulsory for the programme. Students are advised that failure to submit without justifiable reason could result in failure of the module. Students will be required to submit outstanding work to meet the module outcomes.


Academic Failure:

Overall Pass mark for the module is 50%.

Student will be required to repeat any failed component of the module

Failure to submit: Submission of coursework is compulsory for the programme.  Students are advised that failure to submit without justifiable reason could result in failure of the module.  Students will be required to submit outstanding work to meet the module outcomes.

In the event of failure in a module students will have a further opportunity to retrieve lost credit and the mark capped at the pass mark at the next available opportunity.

It is a requirement that students achieve a mark of at least 45% in their summative exam.

Student will be required to repeat any failed component of the module
Reading List