Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LM Research and Improvement Methods for Practice
SchoolSchool of Health Sciences
Department Nursing and Midwifery
Module Code 02 38694
Module Lead Prof Annie Topping
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-15 hours
Seminar-3 hours
Tutorial-5 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-15 hours
Guided independent study-162 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description Healthcare students must engage with different forms of inquiry (research, audit, improvement, and evaluation) to help them understand, improve and innovate in practice. In this module they will be exposed to different types of evidence gathering strategies and data analysis techniques that can be used to explore, understand, or evaluate aspects of care, service delivery or experience of health and illness.
The students will critically examine the relationship between, audit, research, and evaluation to drive improvement. They will gain a critical understanding of the principles of clinical governance, audit, quality improvement and the underpinning ethical governance. They will understand the contribution that public, patient participation, involvement and engagement can make to research and improvement science.
Students will complete the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) e-learning programme Introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP). This is a compulsory requirement for the module and requires certificated evidence of completion to pass the module.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Evaluate the benefits and challenges associated with planning and conducting research, audit, quality improvement and service redesign in health and social care
  • Apply the principles of clinical governance and, ethical conduct to research, audit or quality improvement
  • Appraise research evidence and improvement designs employed to enhance safety, care and experience of people using or delivering health and social care services
  • Examine the contribution of public and patient participation involvement and engagement in improving health and social care
  • Consider barriers that can impact on research transfer, and knowledge utilisation, spread and improvement science
Assessment 38694-01 : Exam : Exam (School Arranged) - Open Book (100%)
38694-02 : GCP Certificate : Exam (School Arranged) - Computer-based (0%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

100% Open book examination, short answer
2 hours (100%),

0% NIHR GCP E-Learning Certificate Pass/Fail

Internal hurdle: There is no compensation on NMC programmes NIHR GCP E-Learning Certificate Internal hurdle


Students will be permitted one re-sit or resubmit of any failed component(s).

Submission of GCP certificate

Open book examination
Reading List