Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LC Around the World with Anthropology
SchoolHistory and Cultures
Department African Studies & Anthropology
Module Code 09 38696
Module Lead Dr Jessica Johnson
Level Certificate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Co-requisites LC Studying Societies: Social Anthropology - (09 38897)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Seminar-10 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-10 hours
Guided independent study-80 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description This module develops students’ knowledge of social anthropology by exploring the diversity of the discipline through a focus on a range of ethnographic regions. Students consider some of the key thematic and theoretical developments that have emerged from the study of particular regions of the world. Alongside this world-tour of anthropological research, students continue to develop the study skills necessary to succeed at university level, building on the work they have done in Studying Societies: Social Anthropology (33707).
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how anthropology has constructed regions through ethnographic practice;
  • Analyse and evaluate different conceptual debates, demonstrating the ability to compare how these debates differ due to the discipline’s regionalism;
  • • Explain ethnographic case studies and locate them within their regional context;
  • Carry out independent library-based research (guided by tutor);
  • Apply the principles of academic integrity to assessed work.
Assessment 38696-01 : 1500 word essay : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
1 x 1500 word written assignment (100%)

Resubmission of failed component(s)
Reading List