Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI Applied Professional Practice
SchoolSport, Ex and Rehab Sciences
Department Sport, Ex and Rehab Sciences
Module Code 03 38723
Module Lead Matt Bridge
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-6 hours
Tutorial-2 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-8 hours
Work based learning-120 hours
Guided independent study-64 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module will enables students to work alongside (assist) established professionals in real-life professional environments. This provides students with the opportunity to develop professional skills through the application of the academic and practical skills attained on campus to the workplace. Students will :
a) develop an in-depth understanding of relevant career pathways and the requirements/expectations of the selected fields;
b) enhance their communication, interpersonal and other work-related and personal skills.
c) the correct way to disseminate information to the appropriate persons within an organisation

This will provide the basis for critical reflection on the links between theory as learnt at university and practice in a work situation. In addition, students will gain valuable experience of work through their placements that will help equip them for their future careers. Students will also undertake several workshops that will enable them to develop their career development skills. This experience is also expected to improve students' employability prospects.

During this module students will complete 120 hours of placement in an appropriate workplace * NOTE: The total number of places available on this module is dependent on available placements. As far as is possible, staff will endeavour to arrange places within the West Midlands region, but places may be limited.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate a developing understanding of professional principles, practices, and values, both generally and in the context of the placement setting;
  • Work alongside a group of practitioners and contribute to the work of the team
  • Observe and acknowledge competent professional practice in the setting, with increasing understanding
  • Demonstrate a developing ability to communicate effectively with colleagues
  • Reflect on his or her own performance, showing insight and intellectual honesty
  • Learn from day-to-day experience by setting targets for improvement and evaluating progress
Assessment 38723-01 : Placement Hour : Coursework (10%)
38723-02 : Placement Learning Plan : Coursework (20%)
38723-03 : Reflective Placement Journal : Coursework (70%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Successful completion of a minimum of 120 placement hours (10%)
Learning plan (20%)
Reflective placement journal (70%)


Assignments are normally resubmitted in the resit period and by the same method as the original submission.
Reading List