Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LC Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
SchoolSchool of Engineering
Department Elec, Elec & Sys Engineering
Module Code 04 38914
Module Lead NCATI
Level Certificate Level
Credits 20
Restrictions None
Description This module introduces theoretical and applied maths to develop confidence and knowledge of mathematical skills and problem-solving techniques for students undertaking taught programmes at NCATI. It introduces mathematical tools and logic in order to understand, solve and pre-empt engineering problems. Students will be introduced to methods of presentation and interpretation of mathematical concepts across the range of topics covered, including scientific and engineering notation, numerical manipulation, graphical presentation,
Topics studies will cover mathematical principles, tools and techniques, including themes in pure mathematics, arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, mechanics and calculus:
  • • Types of number; factors; manipulation of fractions, decimal numbers and powers
  • • Use of algebraic expressions; simplification of algebraic expressions; manipulation of algebraic expressions; manipulation of arithmetic and geometric series
  • • Evaluating expressions; transposing formulae; polynomial expressions; factors and functions
  • • Presenting equations graphically; deriving an equation from a graphical format
  • • Constructing and solving linear and simultaneous equations with two and more unknowns
  • • Polynomial equations; quadratic, cubic and quartic equations
  • • Fractions and partial fractions
  • • Angles measured in degrees and radians; trigonometric identities; trigonometric formulae
  • • Binomial series; manipulation of expressions containing factorials; Pascal’s triangle; sigma notation, expansion of ex
  • • First order differentiation and integration; manipulation of expressions to find information
  • • Scalar and vector quantities; notation and components; scalar and vector product
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate understanding and application of mathematical principles necessary to commence education in engineering disciplines
  • Understand and apply mathematical methods in analysis for solving engineering problems
  • Present data in various formats and demonstrate understanding and interpretation
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Class test following teaching block periods (50%)
Coursework problem (50%)
Reassessment: Repeat of class test
Resubmission of coursework
Reading List