Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LI Professional Experience Placements 2
SchoolSchool of Health Sciences
Department Pharmacy
Module Code 01 39110
Module Lead Indy Dehele
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 0
Semester Full Term
Pre-requisites Basic Life Support - (01 27326) LC Health Sciences 1 - (01 39101) LC Science of Medicines 1 - (01 39102) LC Professional Experience Placements 1 - (01 39106) LC Applied Pharmacy Practice 1 - (01 39100) LC Portfolio 1 - (01 39103)
Restrictions Students must achieve the placement and portfolio requirements to progress to Year 3.

DBS check required.
Description This Year 2 non-credit bearing module commences in semester 1 and spans the whole academic year. Students will continue to develop an understanding of their professional identity as part of the multidisciplinary team in different work environments through direct observation of practice, work-based tasks, and guided reflection. Placements play a vital role in the professional development of pharmacy students. Pharmacy practice takes place in a wide range of settings, reflected in the diversity of experience provided to students in this component.

For each placement, detailed information about learning tasks and expectations will be provided to students and their supervisors. From the perspective of the placement, this will largely be about supervision and feedback rather than teaching, but any required training (e.g., on the use of diagnostic equipment) will be specified.

Experiences will include structured activities working alongside other qualified healthcare professionals.

Students will be supported in their development by academic staff and practitioners working in partnership with pharmacy professionals and patients in both community and hospital environments.Students will demonstrate and record their achievements in their professional ePortfolio linking professional experience with all other modules and building on this in each subsequent year.

Supervisors will be involved in assessing student performance (and their reflection on performance) as at expected level or below expected level, but the overall assessment of the component is managed by the programme team, based on input from supervisors across multiple placement sectors. In the hospital setting, students will be supervised by teacher / practitioner academics. In other settings, academics from the programme team will take a more active role in supporting supervisors.

Every care is taken to ensure the quality and safety of learning experiences and compliance with the Code of Practice for placement learning.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate the standards of a student professional in the practice setting showing an awareness of the relevant codes of professional conduct.
  • Reflect on how regulatory guidance from the General Pharmaceutical Council is applied and interpreted in professional practice with reference to pharmacy placement experience.
  • Recognise and describe ethical issues related to pharmacy practice and provision of care, including issues of confidentiality that have arisen during professional experience placements.
  • Describe how teamworking and communication can influence and optimise person-centred care with reference to placement experience.
  • Demonstrate a reflective approach to communication opportunities with patients and the public, health care professionals, and 'workplace' colleagues.
  • Recognise the responsibility to discuss errors, act on concerns related to patient safety and dignity by reporting, including whistleblowing, if necessary.
  • Understand the importance of diagnostic procedures and examinations conducted in a practice setting, and the consent processes for these.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

This non-credit bearing module is a must pass component of the course. Through direct observation, students are expected to demonstrate professional attitudes and behaviour, including relating to confidentiality, teamwork, and communication.

Placement providers submit a Professional Behaviour Assessment to highlight whether students are at the expected level or below an expected level. Placement attendance will be monitored by the supervisors at site and submitted to the programme team.

The programme team review all submissions from supervisors for each student across all placement sectors for the Professional Behaviour Assessment and for placement attendance. Information is then collated to confirm whether the student is a pass or fail.


Number of placement hours.

Achieving expected level based on professional behaviour assessments.
Reading List