This module enables the student to demonstrate professional competence in a substantial data science or artificial intelligence task and to apply material learned in other components of the degree programme. Projects are chosen from staff suggestions or are developed from the student's original idea. Projects may involve a co-supervisors from both institutions or be completed in industry under the lead supervision of an academic member of staff.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Carry out a substantial individual data science task, including appropriate background research, demonstrating a professional approach.
Work independently, prioritising different components of the work and managing a large project effectively.
Present work undertaken both orally and in a formal project dissertation or report, justifying decisions taken and evaluating outcomes.
Present a summary of the work undertaken in a format acceptable for publication at a relevant leading data science or artificial intelligence conference.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessment: Written dissertation and project demonstration (80%); Research Paper (20%)
Supplementary Assessment: By repeat only. A soft fail (I.e. 40-49%) in either the dissertation or research paper will allow a resubmission of either at the discretion of Project Board/Programme Director (as per the Code of Practice on Minimum Standards for the Organisation and Supervision of Dissertations (PGT)).
Students who have passed the report and demonstration component will be allowed to resubmit just the Research paper at the discretion of the Supervisory Team/Programme Director.