Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LM Change Management
SchoolEducational Enterprise
Department Wiley
Module Code 07 39493
Module Lead Peter Foss
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Restrictions None
Description The change management module will introduce students to the key perspectives and constraints to organisational change and its significance for organisations, including sustainability, ethical, inclusive, innovative and supportive culture that generates continuous business improvement. This will be done through the discussion, evaluation and application of multiple models, frameworks, and literature in the field of change management. Within the module, particular emphasis will be placed upon differentiating effective from ineffective change initiatives. The rationale is that understanding what does not work and why is just as important as understanding what does work in organisational change programmes. The role of resistance, change agents, stakeholders and organisation culture in change will be of particular emphasis. The emphasis of the change management module could be summarised through the key themes of personal and organisation awareness, identifying a range of change management approaches, and application through awareness of business constraints.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Evaluate and apply appropriate change interventions in the context of organisational culture and sustainability considering resistance, change agents, change readiness, stakeholders, organisational culture and sustainability.
  • Diagnose and critically evaluate the implications of a proposed organisational change programme.
  • Develop interpersonal, team leadership and oral skills though groupwork.
  • Promote ethical, sustainable, innovative and supportive cultures that generate continuous organisational improvement.
Assessment 39493-01 : 10-minute group presentation : Group Assessment - Coursework (25%)
39493-02 : 1500-word individual change plan within an organisation : Coursework (75%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

10-minute group presentation (25%) (group of 4-5 students)

1500-word or equivalent individual change plan within an organisation (75%)


Resubmission of failed components:

(400 words) Individual critical reflective essay on groupwork presentation (25%)

1500-word or equivalent individual change plan within an organisation (75%)
Reading List