Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LM Project Management
SchoolEducational Enterprise
Department Wiley
Module Code 07 39501
Module Lead Mark Hall
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Restrictions None
Description The main aim of this module is to introduce participants to the principles and practice of sustainable and ethical Project Management. The module will therefore develop an understanding of how effective project management contributes to organisational success and enable managers to implement a project management approach. This will comprise both the techniques of project management (planning, scheduling, control and evaluation) and the organisational, sustainability, team, leadership and ethical aspects of managing projects.

Students will be encouraged to think critically about project management techniques. While there will be some exploration of basic techniques, the emphasis will be on critical reflection of assumptions, techniques and procedures and a development of managerial thinking within a project environment.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate understanding of the key features of effective project management and how projects interact with the wider managerial environment 
  • Critically examine the different approaches that may be adopted in design and implementation of projects. 
  • Critically examine how organisations manage risk and uncertainty embedded in projects. 
  • Demonstrate negotiation, communications, leadership, interpersonal skills, and stakeholders' management skills
Assessment 39501-01 : Group roleplay exercise : Group Assessment - Coursework (20%)
39501-02 : Individual Assignment - 2000 Words : Coursework (80%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

2,000-word individual assignment (100%) 


Resubmission of failed component 
Reading List