Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LC Attendance and engagement – year 1
SchoolInstitute of Clinical Sciences
Department Birmingham Medical School
Module Code 01 39664
Module Lead
Level Certificate Level
Credits 0
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Description This is an administrative module to review overall attendance throughout the academic year.
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
100% assessed by coursework. Attending at least 80 per cent of all sessions (where registers are available) and at least 80 per cent of each clinical placement is required for progression.

Students in year 1 – retrieval of attendance deficit is not possible between Main and supplementary boards. Students will be required to repeat modules/year or be required to withdraw, depending upon academic performance, level of attendance and consideration of personal factors. For example, internally repeating year, including modules academically passed or taking the supplementary attempt the following year (rather than in the supplementary period) as the final attempt (unless ECs are accepted, when there could be two further attempts)
Reading List