Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI Poetry Writing
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Film and Creative Writing
Module Code 09 39967
Module Lead Richard House
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Seminar-10 hours
Guided independent study-170 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module aims to present a broad spectrum of contemporary poetic techniques, movements and styles in order to inform and inspire students original poetic compositions.

Students will be encouraged to view poetry writing both as an opportunity to write and situate their own practice within a tradition, and to subvert poetic conventions. Students will study up-to-date writing models in the form of 20th and 21st Century texts and develop a broad range of poetry specific writing and editing approaches employable for both creativity and critique. With a clear generative focus, the module will encourage students to expand their understanding of what constitutes poetry, and encourage them to experiment with form and content as they develop their own distinct poetic voice. Students will be introduced to a range of editing techniques specific to poetry and their creative potential. They will be given the opportunity to implement these editorial approaches during the weekly workshop sessions.

They will become acquainted with market requirements and poetry publishing in the form of journals, pamphlets and collections.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • 20.1
  • Demonstrate an ability to refine their own work through exposure to a variety of poetic traditions;
  • 20.2
  • Demonstrate a development of their own voice, style, though written responses to workshop related prompts and assigned writing exercises;
  • 20.3
  • Produce a portfolio of poems that demonstrate joint attention to aspects of voice, language, content and form; and a sequence of poems that demonstrate a variety of different techniques and approaches;
  • 20.4
  • Self-reflexively analyse their original poems in the context of published contemporary poetry.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Poetry Portfolio equivalent of 2,500 words [125 lines poetry] (75%)
Poetry analysis 1,000 words (25%)


Resubmission of failed component(s)
Poetry Portfolio equivalent of 2,500 words [125 lines poetry] (75%)
Poetry analysis 1000 words (25%)
Reading List