Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI Independent Filmmaking Practices
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Film and Creative Writing
Module Code 09 40041
Module Lead Chris Nunn
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Pre-requisites LC Filmmaking - (09 31536)
Restrictions None
Description This module is a specialist, practice-based film module for those students who are keen to develop their creative practice. At the heart of the module lies the question of what constitutes independent film practice, as opposed to other models of film production. Students will engage with a wide variety of theorists, evaluating arguments on independent filmmaking relating to areas including financing models, production workflows, themes, ideological content, formal and aesthetic strategies, industrial location, and manner of distribution.

The lectures will examine these areas via a series of case studies. Examples might include form and content in the work of 1970s American pioneers such as John Cassavetes and Barbara Loden; lo-fi industrial practices in Nollywood filmmaking; contemporary financing and festival distribution in the UK; anarchist filmmaking collectives and methods; Queer filmmakers in the 1990s; Feminist collectives of the 1970s, and UK film workshops of the 1970s/80s will also provide sites for study.

In seminars, students will form groups to make a film based on the research and learning done across the module. Specialist workshops might include focus on artist film methodologies, e.g. writing manifestos. Crucially, the aesthetic and technical requirements of this film will be minimal, noting that the focus is on the process of production.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and historical contexts of independent film production.
  • Identify and articulate the relationship between independent production workflows and the visual content / form of the finished product.
  • Design and develop an alternative filmmaking project that reflects the ways in which independent film differs in specific contexts.
  • Review and consolidate understanding of independent film workflows through project-based learning.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

5–7-minute group short film (50%)
Individual research portfolio (approx.1500 words with relevant supporting images/video, 50%)


Failed component only
Group short film reassessed by 2-3-minute individual short film (50%)
Individual research portfolio (approx.1500 words with relevant supporting images/video, 50%)
Reading List