Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LM AI and Sustainable Development
Department International Development
Module Code 08 40109
Module Lead Slava Jankin
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-10 hours
Seminar-20 hours
Guided independent study-170 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module examines the role of AI in promoting sustainable development globally. Students will gain an understanding of key concepts including AI systems, sustainable development goals, ethics, and governance. The module will cover research methods such as literature reviews, data analysis, evidence synthesis, and analytical writing. Through case studies, students will critically assess the potential benefits and risks of applying AI in underserved communities, considering complex systemic factors, unintended consequences, and limitations. Issues covered include participatory design, community engagement, inclusion, access, and responsible innovation. By evaluating strategies for empowering marginalised groups through human-centric AI solutions, students will develop analytical, creative, and communication skills for conveying nuanced perspectives. Responsible and ethical AI deployment is examined through the lens of systems thinking and long-term sustainability principles. Overall, the module provides the knowledge, critical thinking skills and ethical awareness needed to contribute to the embedding of AI innovations in ways that thoughtfully advance sustainable development while avoiding unintended harms.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Analyse key issues and considerations in the responsible deployment of AI innovations for sustainable development
  • Utilise research skills and methods, including literature reviews, analytical synthesis, data analysis, and report writing.
  • Evaluate ethical, social and environmental implications of AI applications, considering perspectives of different stakeholders
  • Examine global developments related to AI governance, regulations and standards relevant to sustainable development
  • Demonstrate skills to assess risks, unintended consequences and appropriateness of AI applications in diverse sustainable development contexts
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

1000-word essay (75%);
group project which also involves the group presenting the report 10 mins (25%): 2500-word written report


Students will be reassessed by failed component.

The re-assessment method for the essay (75%) is a 1000-word essay.

The re-assessment method if a student fails the group component (25%) will be a 700-word written report reflecting on the group project and accompanying written presentation slides communicating the results of the research.
Reading List