Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LH Psychology and Crime
SchoolSchool of Social Policy
Department Soc Policy, Sociology & Crimin
Module Code 08 40135
Module Lead Oliver Chan
Level Honours Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Seminar-9 hours
Guided independent study-171 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module is designed to be a provocative and challenging learning experience into the disciplines of psychological criminology (aka psycho-criminology; forensic psychology and criminology). This module will provide an in-depth examination into various psychological aspects of crime and criminal behaviour. It enables students to examine how psychological criminology work in practice. Major components of the module will address the psychology and criminal justice system, psychopathological issues, criminal investigative strategies, and a number of specific offenses that have direct application relevance to the field of psychological criminology.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of major theories, models, and concepts contributing to the development of psycho-criminology and its related disciplines.
  • Identify various psychopathological issues associated with criminal behaviour.
  • Evaluate the scope of psycho-criminology and their application in the criminal justice system, including police investigation, crime prevention, and public security practices.
  • Examine the effectiveness of psycho-criminological theories and models in explaining specific offenses, especially violent interpersonal offenses.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Summative #1: 1 hour canvas exam (50%)

Summative #2: 2,000 words essay (50%)


Resubmissions of failed element
Reading List