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Module Title
LM Individual Project
School of Medical Sciences
Inst of Cancer / Genomic Sci
Module Code
02 29788
Module Lead
Deena Gendoo
Masters Level
This module will put student in real-life situation of a bioinformatics project with practical problem to solve proposed by an academic member of UoB. They will have to find the relevant literature, and apply the relevant analytical methods to generate new information that will be presented in a written report and orally
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Present in written and oral form their topic background, approach, analysis, results and conclusions
Perform a bioinformatics analysis and/or development for the project
A conceptual understanding of Computing, Algorithmic and Programming that enables the student to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, propose new methods
Demonstrate self direction and originality in tackling and solving problems to perform the appropriate Modelling and Optimization
The qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility, decision making in complex and unpredictable situations, and the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessment • Project proposal (5%)
• Report in Scientific article style, 4000-5000 words (65%)
• Individual Oral Presentation (30%) – Every student is required to pre-record a 20-minute presentation and submit the recording to canvas. The presentation should include student responses to 3-4 standardized questions that are usually part of markers’ Q&A for thesis projects.