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Module Title
LM Bioinformatics Group Project: Seed of an Idea
School of Bioscience
School of Biosciences
Module Code
02 34334
Module Lead
Lindsey Leach
Masters Level
Semester 1
This module will put together students from various backgrounds to tackle an inter-disciplinary project, using mathematical and/or computational approaches to address a real-world research question involving biological data.
They will as well have lectures and workshops on: * bioinformatics, including computing basics, programming, and data visualisation. * Academic and scientific writing * Science communication * Working collaboratively * Using digital presentation tools (including video, audio) * ethics requirements of research.
The students will works in groups of 3-5 to work on a real-life problem proposed by an academic member of UoB or external collaborators. They will have to find the relevant literature, and apply the relevant analytical methods to generate a new result that will be used to produce a pitch for research funding.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Work effectively in an interdisciplinary team
Carry out a relevant literature search for their topic and write a literature review.
Demonstrate good understanding of the broad world of *Omics in the context of complex biological, clinical, or environmental data.
Choose appropriate computational and/or mathematical approaches to perform analysis of *Omics data; evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, propose new methods
Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical awareness of the implications of research in biology-related fields, including an understanding of ethics
Present preliminary results of the project in written form.
Communicate the topic and preliminary result in an oral pitch for project funding.
34334-01 : Group Report : Coursework (45%)
34334-02 : Individual 90 sec video research pitch to funder : Coursework (40%)
34334-03 : Group meeting minutes and reflections : Coursework (10%)
34334-04 : Individual contribution to the group : Coursework (5%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
The course work component will include the following: • Group report covering literature review, brief methods, a single key result and outline plan of work for the co-requisite semester 2 module 45% • Individual 90 sec video research pitch to funder (40%) • Group meeting minutes and reflections (10%) • Individual contribution to the group (5%) (Overall 55% is assessed as a group and 45% is assessed individually). Reassessment: If a student fails the module then they will be required to repeat the failed components only.