This module is dedicated to the student clinical portfolios. The students will be expected to show expertise in handling a variety of cases. These should include the following - Vital pulp management - Management of a multirooted tooth - Retreatment - Surgical procedure - Complex anatomy The logbook should include details of such cases undertaken in their practice. A guide to what should be undertaken in shown in Appendix 1.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Manage a wide range of cases in various aspects of endodontology
Put together the case write ups and the reflections
Read the literature pertaining to the different methodologies used for the case preparation
37647-01 : Case Write Up : Coursework (50%)
37647-02 : Unseen Case Presentation : Presentation (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessment: Case write up 50% Unseen case presentation 50% The students need to write up a number of cases including specific treatment strategies. The write ups need to be approximately 2000 words long. In the unseen case presentation, the students will be given 15 minutes to study a case and they will then get asked a number of questions on it. Exam length is 30 minutes per candidate.
Reassessment: Same as assessment with case presentation