Course Details in 2027/28 Session

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Module Title LM Research project
SchoolSchool of Health Sciences
Department Dentistry
Module Code 02 37648
Module Lead Josette Camilleri
Level Masters Level
Credits 40
Semester Semester 2
Pre-requisites LM Advanced Materials - (02 37644) LM Practical aspects of perio-endo-restorative interface - (02 37646) LM Root Canal Therapy - (02 37642) LM The perio-endo-restorative interface - (02 37645) LM Endodontic Diagnosis and Vital Pulp Therapy - (02 37641)
Restrictions None
Description This module will be focused on the research aspects of endodontology and how the research influences the clinical practice. The module will consist of a number of lectures focused on statistics, research methods and design of a clinical study. The students will have an opportunity to choose a research topic, discuss it individually and also plan it. The students will be undertaking a literature review on a subject of choice. This will be in narrative review format. A project will also be undertaken. This project can be either a lab-based research project, a write up of a clinical case series or a systematic review.
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Reading List