Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LI Physics and Communication Skills 2
SchoolPhysics and Astronomy
Department Physics & Astronomy
Module Code 03 01149
Module Lead Cristina Lazzeroni
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 1
Pre-requisites LC Physics and Communication Skills 1 - (03 00976)
Restrictions BSc/MSci Physics, Physics and Astrophysics, Physics and Space Research, Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology, Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics, Physics with Nanotechnology
Contact Hours Lecture-18 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-16 hours
Guided independent study-66 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description The ability of concisely and effectively communicating ideas, both in written form and via oral presentations, is essential in every day life and job. The ability of posing and successfully solving general problems is one of the key outcomes of the training of a physicist. In this module we will provide a guide to make oral and written presentations of scientific work. We will also address how to pose, attack and solve general problems in physics.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module the student should be able to:
  • Deliver a talk about a scientific topic;
  • Make a written presentation of scientific work;
  • Tackle general problems in physics;
  • Have a firm grounding in the key concepts of classical mechanics and be able to solve problems related to these topics;
  • Have a firm grounding in the key concepts of thermodynamics and be able to solve problems related to these topics;
  • Have a firm grounding in the key concepts of electromagnetism and be able to solve problems related to these topics;
  • Have a firm grounding in the elementary concepts of quantum mechanics and be able to solve problems related to these topics.
Assessment 01149-02 : Computing : Coursework (50%)
01149-04 : Talk : Coursework (15%)
01149-05 : Class Test : Class Test (35%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
Oral presentation skills (10 minute talk) (15%)
Computational laboratory assignments (11 x2 hour workshops) (50%)
Class Test (90 minutes) (35%)

Other none
Reading List