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Module Title
LM Causes and Effects of Air Pollution
School of Geog Earth & Env Sci
Earth and Environ Sciences
Module Code
03 17350
Module Lead
Professor Roy Harrison
Masters Level
Semester 1
MSc/PGDip Air Pollution Management and Control
The sources, behaviour and fates of air pollutants and their impact on human health and the environment are described in this module. Specifics include 1) a study of the factors, both natural and anthropogenic, which influence air quality; 2) the movement of air pollutants through the environment; 3) local through to global scale pollution phenomena and impacts; 4) airborne particulate matter; 5) the different methods used to monitor air pollutants; 6) indoor air pollution and personal exposure, including the contribution of different microenvironments to a person’s total exposure to air pollutants; 7) effects upon plants; 8) effects upon human health.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the principal sources of air pollutants and their effects on human health and the built and natural environment.
2. Understand the behaviour and fates of air pollutants in the environment and the factors, including meteorological factors that influence their concentration.
3. Demonstrate understanding of pollution phenomena at local through to global scales.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of source emission strengths and emission inventories and their application to air quality management.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of the sources, properties and behaviour of airborne particulate matter and the methods used for source apportionment.
6. Have knowledge of the different methods and instrumentation available for monitoring air pollutants, and the associated procedures needed to ensure data quality.
7.Demonstrate knowledge of the factors influencing emissions from road transport and the technological means by which these emissions may be controlled.
A 2000 word coursework report (50%) and a two hour examination (50%).
Reading List
Harrison, R M (ed). 1996. Pollution: Causes, effects and control. 3rd ed. Royal Society of Chemistry.
Boubel R W, Fox D L, Turner D B & Stern A C. 1994. Fundamentals of Air Pollution. 3rd ed. Academic Press.
The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland and Wales. Jan 2000. www.detr.gov.uk