Course Details in 2021/22 Session

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Module Title Independent Research Project in Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management
SchoolPhysics and Astronomy
Department Physics & Astronomy
Module Code 03 24866
Module Lead Joanna Renshaw
Level Masters Level
Credits 60
Restrictions None
Description This module provides students with experience of working in a nuclear industrial department, and/or the School of Physics & Astronomy nuclear laboratory and carrying out an individual research project. The technical content depends on the project chosen, but the project will draw upon expertise gained in the earlier modules and allowing students to develop further their knowledge and understanding of particular topics.
Students give a short oral presentation of their project and produce a written project report.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Conduct an in depth investigation of a real problem in the Nuclear industry;
  • Apply the understanding, knowledge and skills acquired through the taught course to a real problem;
  • Plan and execute a technical investigation;
  • Demonstrated ability to collect, analyse and interpret data;
  • Prepare a technical report to a professional standard acceptable to industry and academics.
Assessment 24866-01 : Thesis : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Written project report (100%)
Other None
Reading List