Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2021/22 Session

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Module Title LM Practical & Applied Studies B
SchoolPhysics and Astronomy
Department Physics & Astronomy
Module Code 03 24870
Module Lead Joanna Renshaw
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Description This module will equip students with practical, professional and employability skills required for a career in the field. The module also gives students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and understanding from lectures to case studies and real life situations. The module consists of 4 components: materials and analysis laboratory studies; computational and numerical analysis; case study exercise; site visit. All components except for the site visit are assessed through coursework. Materials and analysis laboratory practical classes will equip students with a basic understanding and experience of a range of solid state and liquid phase analysis methods, including X-ray diffraction, X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, optical microscopy and elemental analysis.
Computational and numerical analysis enables students to apply their knowledge and understanding of hydrogeological risk assessment and groundwater modelling to problem-solving exercises and to case studies. The case study exercise allows students the opportunity to apply aspects of their knowledge and understanding of decommissioning, waste and environmental management (module 3), processing, storage & disposal of nuclear wastes (Module 4) and policy, regulation & management (Module 5). In a one-day workshop, the case study scenario is presented to the students and they work in students to develop a brief initial plan for their proposed solution, which is presented to the group at the end of the day. After the workshop, students will individually prepare a detailed technical written report proposing their solution to the scenario.
During the module the students will gain significant experience of data analysis and presentation, commercial and business awareness and will develop their professional report writing and presentation skills.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Analyse and interpret data from a range of analytical techniques;
  • Apply knowledge & understanding of decommissioning, waste and environmental management, processing, storage & disposal of nuclear wastes and policy, regulation & management to specific projects/case studies;
  • Apply knowledge and understanding of hydrogeological risk assessment and groundwater modelling in the context of practical case studies and the development of hydrogeological conceptual models;
  • Produce a range of professional written reports, using different writing styles (technical, scientific, for public communication) for: a) Practicals - concise scientific reports for describing the aims, methods, measurements, analyses and conclusions, justifying the experimental design using theoretical principles and conclusions;
    b) Computational & Numerical analysis –concise scientific reports for describing the aims, modelling methodologies, calculation results and conclusions, justifying predicted properties by judicious use of appropriate methods and conclusions;
    c) Case study exercise – detailed technical proposal;
  • Demonstrate teamwork, Critical thinking, time management skills; Commercial/business awareness; Numeracy, ICT; Communication skills (written & oral), interpersonal skills.
Assessment 24870-01 : Contaminant Transport : Coursework (25%)
24870-04 : MCBEND : Coursework (30%)
24870-05 : Case Study : Coursework (25%)
24870-06 : Seminar : Coursework (20%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Materials and analysis labs - 1 x laboratory report 25%;
Computing & numerical analysis - solution of a problem using appropriate software, with an accompanying report 25%;
Case study exercise - written proposal 50%
Other None
Reading List