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Module Title
LM Air Quality Data Analysis and Interpretation
School of Geog Earth & Env Sci
Earth and Environ Sciences
Module Code
03 31382
Module Lead
Francis Pope
Masters Level
Semester 1
This module will consist of formal lectures and computer classes. A number of statistical analysis techniques including cluster analysis and principal component analysis, time series analysis will be introduced in theory and then taught in practical lessons using available datasets.
This module will also introduce two programming languages which are routinely used in atmospheric pollution management and control (APMC) applications. Both languages have the advantage of being freely available with no associated cost.
UNIX is a widely used operating system that provides a set of tools that perform well defined basic functions. It is modular in design with a unified file system. The combination of the basic functions in shell scripts allows for the generation of complex activities to be performed in a simple manner.
R is a widely used programming language and software environment that is predominantly used for statistical computing and the generation of high quality graphics. It can also be used as a general purpose programming language for model generation but other languages (e.g. python and Fortran) are more powerful in such applications. In this course we will use RStudio as the environment in which to use R.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module, student should be able to:
To be able to carry out simple programming and to use the Openair programme for air quality data analysis and interpretation.
To work confidently in a UNIX environment; and be familiar with using the statistical package R and OpenAir.
To understand the rationale underpinning selected statistical methods and correctly interpret the results
31382-01 : R Worksheet : Coursework (10%)
31382-02 : Class test - UNIX : Coursework (10%)
31382-03 : Stats exam : Exam (School Arranged) - Written Unseen (32.5%)
31382-04 : Stats Project : Coursework (32.5%)
31382-05 : R Quiz : Class Test (15%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessment: Statistics
A multiple-choice examination paper lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes. The examination will contain 50 questions and will test the entire Statistics syllabus (25% of the final module mark).
A project entitled Daily summer rainfall variations over Devon and Cornwall. This project requires a student to conduct principal component analysis and cluster analysis on a data set (25% of the final module mark: the explanation for this weighting is the same as for the Statistics examination.)
Computer Programming
Take home worksheet 1 (10 8%) – this worksheet tests the UNIX material. The student is required to manipulate and generate various files using UNIX commands. Total number of command lines is approximately 20.
Take home worksheet 2 (10 8%) – this worksheet tests the R material covered up to the point of the worksheet being handed out. The student is required to write up to 150 lines of code, which includes comment lines, to perform manipulations on a data set.
Take home worksheet 3 (9%) – this exercise uses the openair package in R to investigate the air pollution characteristics of an individual Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) measurement site. The student is required to write up to 150 lines of code, which includes comment lines, to perform manipulations on a data set.
Exam (25%) – the 1 hour exam is an open book in class exam, in which the student can use any resource they want (text book, website, course notes, etc.). The student generates both UNIX and R scripts to perform certain actions on various data sets.
Re-sit coursework and/or examination during supplementary examination period as appropriate