This module provides a thorough grounding in river ecology at the species, population and community levels, and provide practical training in sampling techniques and species identification using the EcoLaboratory facility. Some of the unifying concepts of freshwater ecology, including the river continuum concept and nutrient spiralling, will be detailed. Anthropogenic activities, including water abstraction, organic pollution and acidification, will be explored in relation to their effect on the biodiversity and functioning of riverine ecosystems. The role of biomonitoring in riverine management will be explained, as will the various strategies applied to effect restoration of ecologically impaired surface waters.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of key concepts of river ecology with reference to species distribution, populations, communities and ecosystems
Exhibit knowledge of the impact of anthropogenic activities on river ecosystems, and of methods for their restoration
Be able to conduct a range of physicochemical and biological sampling methods and identify species, collating data into a group report.
33986-01 : Individual Presentation : Presentation (35%)
33986-02 : Group Project Report : Group Assessment - Coursework (65%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessment: Individual Presentation (35%)
Group project report (2500 word, 65%)