This module will provide students with an understanding of: (1) the principles of meteorology at small scales (metres to kilometres), (2) the meteorological processes near the earth's surface (e.g., over a range of different surfaces/environments) associated with the exchange of heat, mass and momentum, and (3) transport and dispersion of pollutants in the atmospheric boundary layer.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Demonstrate a knowledge of meteorological processes, transfer and dispersion of heat and air pollutants in the atmospheric boundary layer
Apply this knowledge to practical problems in different environments e.g., urban/rural climate and urban air quality
Gain the skills of analysing near-surface meteorological and air quality data: (a) to evaluate energy budgets for a range of natural and human-made surfaces and weather conditions; and (b) to assess the effects of micrometeorological processes and local-scale environmental conditions upon air quality as well as local climate
34001-01 : Essay : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessment: Students will be required to submit one 2500-word practical project (100%) by Friday of Week 11.
Choose 1 out of 6 projects to write a scientific report in the style of an international journal paper, which includes abstract, literature review, methods, data analysis, interpretation and discussions of results, conclusion, and references. All the projects involve analysis of real data (meteorology and/or air quality) with reference to micro-meteorological processes.
Reassessment: Resubmission of the practical project by a deadline given by the (Internal) Board of Examiners in June.