Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Air Pollution Management and Control Technology
SchoolSchool of Geog Earth & Env Sci
Department Geography
Module Code 03 34007
Module Lead Zongbo Shi
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-44 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-24 hours
Guided independent study-132 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module is designed to introduce students to basic chemical, physical and engineering concepts that need to be considered in the theory and practical operation of air pollution control technology. The intention is to familiarise students with the theory and practices behind these systems so that they can select appropriate abatement equipment and comment critically on existing installations, and installations of the future. This module then brings together material covered in previous modules, setting them into the context of air quality management. The module will describe the policy and institutional frameworks for the management of air quality, including the use of source emission and ambient air quality standards, air quality management models, monitoring for compliance and the role of air pollutant emission reduction strategies. This will be taught in the context of the UK National Air Quality Strategy with a focus on local air quality management. Practical experience in the use of air quality screening and more advanced dispersion models will be given. Air quality considerations in the context of transport management and land-use planning will also be described.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • To have a clear understanding of the legal framework for air quality management
  • To understand the theory of regulatory air quality models and to apply them in real-world air quality assessment
  • To explore ways of communicating effectively with the general public and other interested parties regarding matters of air quality
  • To be able to apply the management and engineering tools to resolve real-world air quality issues
  • Understand and describe the design philosophy behind air pollution control equipment
  • Understand and apply the principles of gaseous air pollutant removal using adsorption/absorption/combustion/catalytic and biological methods
  • Understand and apply the principles governing particulate removal from gas streams by physical methods
  • Be able to Select air pollution control equipment for specific situations
Assessment 34007-01 : Coursework - Essay : Coursework (50%)
34007-02 : Group Video Presentation : Presentation (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: Video documentary < 4 min – 60% (Students will form a group of three to four students and choose one particular air pollution problem, such as ozone, haze, and NO2 pollution in a particular city, city clusters or a country to produce a video documentary on the causes, effects and management.)

Peer-assessment – 10 5% (A clear guideline will be provided for students to mark their group members’ contribution to the video production; this is to address the comments from EE, students, and CLAD staff who worry about the fairness and group working behaviour; this will also ensure that all will contribute to the process)

A 1500 word essay (35%)

Reassessment: Video documentary / Essay
Reading List