The students will conduct a substantial research project with an element of originality under supervision. A range of opportunities for carrying out projects within existing staff research programmes will be provided, and students may work in small groups with other UG or PG students on the data collection.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Critically appraise relevant research literature and justify the choice of research area, research question, and methodological approaches.
Identify, collect and analyse appropriate data / information (gaining ethical approval if appropriate), demonstrating effective project management
Interpret the findings and critically evaluate the implications of the findings to the theoretical research area, practice and/or policy
Visually and orally present research in a concise and clear manner
Produce a written report at the quality appropriate for submission to peer reviewed journals
Assessment: Project proposal presentation (10%) Poster presentation (20%) Written report suitable for identified scientific jounal. The word count for the article will be in accordance with the `Guidelines for Authors? (70%)
Reassessment: Complete above components as required.