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Module Title
LM Green Infrastructure and Health
School of Geog Earth & Env Sci
Module Code
03 39191
Module Lead
Andrea Frank and Zena Lynch
Masters Level
Semester 2
This module will bring together issues of planning, and public and environmental health science exploring possible synergies and joined-up thinking and working as a means to enhance sustainability, health, wellbeing and resilience in urban (and rural) settlements. The module explores the concept of green infrastructure (GI) as well as ideas and possibilities around ‘greening’ the urban landscape in an interdisciplinary manner from both the spatial planning and public/environmental health perspective.
It first encourages students to reflect on the historical arguments about the value of introducing nature into the urban environment. Second, the module discusses the wider value of more recent ideas around green infrastructure and associated concepts as a way to address contemporary issues of climate change, individual and public health and wellbeing, and biodiversity. Third, students are asked then to consider how currently used frameworks, tools, approaches and policies could be amended or newly developed to create more sustainable, regenerative urban environments.
The module draws on cutting edge research including environmental health science to promote transformative spatial planning and public health practices that will enhance a range of sustainable dimensions of urban and rural settings. It responds directly to the New Urban Agenda, the 2016 UN Sustainable Development Goals as well as national and global climate change adaptation/mitigation and wellbeing agendas.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module, students should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of different conceptualisation of GI and the potential GI contributions to enhancing individual and public health and wellbeing, resilience to climate change and sustainability.
Demonstrate awareness of monitoring and evaluation methods for public health and planning.
Critically analyse the key issues around green infrastructure implementation.
Confidently communicate issues and their ideas to a wide range of target audiences.
Apply the knowledge and skills developed through the module to real world global examples.
Assessment: Assignment 1 – 15 minute oral presentation in group work. (30%) Assignment 2 – individual extended case study (2500 words) (70%)
Reassessment: A second attempt will be allowed for the failed elements should the module not be passed at the first attempt. The module mark is capped at 50% for resubmissions.