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Module Title
Computer and Communication Networks
School of Engineering
Elec, Elec & Sys Engineering
Module Code
04 21483
Module Lead
John Easton
Masters Level
Semester 2
M.Sc. in Communications Engineering (optional); M.Sc. in Communications Engineering with Industrial Studies (optional); M.Sc. in Electronic and Computer Engineering (optional); M.Sc. in Electronic and Computer Engineering with Industrial Studies (optional); MSc in Embedded Systems (optional); MSc in Embedded Systems with Industrial Studies (optional); M.Sc. in Interactive Digital Media (compulsory); M.Sc. in Interactive Digital Media with Industrial Studies (compulsory)
Review the basic notions of layered architectures in data networks
Review the basics of queuing theory and its use in modelling networks
Introduce two to three advanced networking topics of current interest
Make students aware of analysis techniques used in the study of the performance of (aspects of) networks
Introduce students to network programming and/or simulation.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Explain the principles and algorithms pertinent to networks.
Critically assess the merits and drawbacks of state-of-the-art networking technologies and proposals for future network strategies.
Perform basic calculations to determine metrics commonly used to characterise networks and interpret the results.
Perform a reasoned critique of research publications in the networks field.
Simulate networks for research to identify the strengths and weaknesses of networks.
21483-01 : Module mark : Mixed (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Main assessment:Group research paper review & video presentation (5%) – assessed as pre-recorded group videoWritten coursework assignment (45%) Written exam, 1.5 hours, 2 out of 3 questions (50%) – ideally centrally timetabled in summer exam period, questions to be prepared with consideration of the potential for online delivery if required
Supplementary assessment: By component matching the above, students can carry forward passed components from main assessment.