Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Physical Metallurgy (Titanium and Nickel)
SchoolMetallurgy and Materials
Department Metallurgy & Materials
Module Code 04 21929
Module Lead Yu-Lung Chiu
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions EPSRC sponsored EngD in Engineered Materials for High Performance Applications in Aerospace and Related Technologies (Optional)
Description This module looks at the applications of nickel and titanium alloys in aero-engines and the land-based gas turbine. The basic operation is first considered: thermodynamics, adiabatic heating in the compressor, efficiency and the need for high temperature resistant materials. For nickel-based alloys, temperature resistance and oxidation resistance in Ni and Ni/Cr alloys are described. Other main topics covered are: developing high temperature strength through second-phase particles; slip in the A3B system, involving disordering/re-ordering; the investment casting process; living with high gas temperatures and lifing issues with creep and fatigue; powder discs and the role of shot-peening. For titanium alloys - phase diagrams and the main classifications of the alloys; Widmanstatten structures; higher strength alloys; defects in Ti alloys, and Ti alloy development, will be included. The potential for inter-metallics and MMCs is also be described.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module the student will be able to:
  • Define the operation of gas turbines and understand the functional requirements of the materials used for their construction;
  • Describe the principles of alloy design for turbine blade and disc applications and critically assess the material strengthening and degradation mechanisms;
  • Detail the principles of blade and disc fabrication, process developments for improved performance and integrity. Specify manufacturing processes;
  • Perform calculations to determine the life of components made of nickel and titanium alloys.
Assessment 21929-01 : Coursework : Coursework (50%)
21929-03 : Coursework : Coursework (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions 100% coursework
Reading List