The aim of the module is to is to enhance students' knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and scientific principles related to mechanics and materials, and to develop their ability to apply this knowledge in a number of topics.
Static analysis of stress in solid mechanics, including use of Mohr's Circle,maximum shear stress, strain energy and von Mises failure criterion, energy methods, Castigliano's Theorem for beam deflection, analysis of thin walled vessels. Vector analysis of the dynamics (both kinematics and kinetics) of two-dimensional rigid body systems with applications to simple linked systems of rods, gears and wheels.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the mathematical and scientific principles that underpin static analysis of stress in solid mechanics and vector analysis of the dynamics (both kinematics and kinetics) of two-dimensional rigid body systems.
Understand and apply engineering principles related to static analysis of stress in solid mechanics, including stress transformation theory, Mohr's circle, pressure vessel stress theory, failure theory, Castiglianos Theorem for beam deflection and apply them to analyse key engineering designs.
Understand and apply engineering principles related to scalar & vector analysis of the dynamics (both kinematics and kinetics) of two-dimensional rigid body systems and apply them to analyse key engineering designs.
Demonstrate the ability to use the results of mechanical analysis to solve engineering problems and to recommend appropriate action.
Main: One 3-hour formal written unseen closed-book examination (80%) to be held during the University's January examination period (centrally timetabled) and assessment of laboratory work (20%).
Supplementary to match the main assessment method with due consideration made to any restrictions imposed at the time of reassessment. Students can carry forward passed assessment components from the main assessment.