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Module Title
LH Engineering Mathematics 3
School of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Module Code
04 23779
Module Lead
Sam Johnson and Galane Luo
Honours Level
Semester 2
Contact Hours
Lecture-40 hours
Tutorial-10 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-10 hours
Guided independent study-140 hours Total: 200 hours
The aim of the module is to enhance the students' mathematical knowledge and confidence in preparation for the demanding applications of the final stage modules, and a possible research career involving engineering science. They will develop an understanding of the numerical techniques used within modern Finite Element Analysis computer packages and develop an understanding of the mathematical basis of many of the advanced systems of equations governing engineering problems.
Nonlinear iterations with application to root-finding methods:
Bisection method
fixed point iteration method;
secant and Newton's method;
interpolation by polynomials:
Lagrange and Hermite interpolation;
piecewise polynomial interpolation;
numerical integration:
Newton-Cotes rules;
Gauss quadratures;
product rules;
numerical methods for initial value problems
Euler methods;
explicit Runge-Kutta methods.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
By the end of the module the student should be able to:
Demonstrate proficiency in vector calculus, including a good understanding of 3D geometry, ability to evaluate line, surface and volume integrals as well as the ability to solve boundary value problems using some standard techniques.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a wide range of standard numerical techniques employed in mechanical and related engineering disciplines.
23779-22 : Quiz 1 : Class Test (10%)
23779-23 : Quiz 2 : Class Test (10%)
23779-24 : Exam : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (80%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessments: 20% Continuous assessment (comprising two class tests, 10% each). 80% by 2-hour closed book centrally timetabled exam in May/June assessment period if this is possible.