Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title Advanced Electrochemical Applications
SchoolChemical Engineering
Department Chemical Engineering
Module Code 04 26226
Module Lead Dr Shangfeng Du
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Pre-requisites Introduction to Electrochemistry - (04 26223)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-19 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-6 hours
Guided independent study-75 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description This module will cover the theories and applications of electrochemistry and will be divided into four parts:

(i) Energy applications: e.g. Batteries, flow batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors.
(ii) Deposition/Dissolution Phenomena: e.g. Electrodeposition, electroplating, Corrosion.
(iii) AC Impedance methods: e.g. Introduction to AC methods, application to fuel cells
(iv) Further Electrochemistry Topics: e.g. Advanced kinetics & mechanism, Theoretical electrochemistry: Marcus theory, modelling.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Describe the basic electrochemistry of batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, corrosion and electrodeposition, and be able to apply this knowledge to moderately complex electrochemical problems.
  • Inspect and appraise the performance of batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors in terms of their power output, durability and sustainability.
  • Plan and design experimental procedures to critically evaluate the catalyst activities for the common electrochemical reactions, including using both voltammetry and impedance methods.
  • Interpret information, concepts, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.
Assessment 26226-01 : Class Test : Class Test (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Coursework - Lab practical report (30%)
Open book online quizzes on Canvas (70%)


100% open book online quizzes on Canvas
Other None
Reading List