Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI Construction Practice and Management
SchoolSchool of Engineering
Department Civil Engineering
Module Code 04 29649
Module Lead Professor Kamel Hawwash
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-22 hours
Tutorial-10 hours
Guided independent study-68 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description This module comprises four main subject areas: Introduces the key aspects of modern construction management:

(1) Construction Management - comprises construction planning techniques, and the preparation of construction contract documentation.

(2) Health and Safety discusses the concepts of hazard and risk, with specific reference to construction sites.

(3) Introduction to Building Information Modelling including the role of computer aided drafting.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Describe the general structure of law as it relates to H&S and identify the key legislation relevant to governing the actions of all stakeholders.
  • Describe the duties of the Principal Contractor and a contractor under CDM.
  • List and describe the key elements of a Health &Safety management system.
  • Describe the different roles and activity undertaken as part of construction projects
  • Identify the hazards typically encountered on a construction site and discuss suitable control measures.
  • Produce a method statement for a construction activity.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of contract documentation and its use for construction management.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of different planning techniques and their appropriate use.
  • Demonstrate and describe the role of BIM modelling in Civil Engineering construction projects and the various tools that underpin BIM models, such as computer aided drafting.
Assessment 29649-01 : Construction Practice and Manag coursework : Coursework (30%)
29649-03 : Construction Practice and Manag Class Test : Class Test (70%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Main Assessment: Option A: Assessment by closed book class test (70%)Option B: Open book assessment via CANVAS.Group BIM coursework (30%) within delivery semester. Poster and video submitted for assessment by module team.
Supplementary: 100% 2 hour closed book examination but with due consideration to be made to using open book examination through CANVAS.
Reading List