In the first part of module, students should become familiar with analysis and synthesis of digital communication systems by means of the statistical theory that is the core of any information exchange and specifically digital data. They should gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of communication that will be used in all communication related courses. The second part of the module covers the principles of optimal signal detection and processing to minimize the Bit Error Rates (BER). It will be considered dependence of BER and Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) for different kind of modulations used in modern systems. And finally the third part will be an introduction in the technique of digital signal processing by means of digital filters, Fourier Transform and signal processing in frequency domain. All mentioned above is the subject of assignment where the students will Modell a communication systems using Matlab software.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Apply statistical signal processing methods and classical statistical theory to communication system analysis
Analyse a communication system performance for a given system configuration and parameters.
Select and analyse proper technique for the signal processing in time and frequency domains.
model communication system and subsystems using Matlab and be familiar with the basic digital filtering algorithms.
30059-01 : Module Mark : Mixed (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
(50%) Matlab System Simulation Assignment (50%) end of module assessment: 2 hour closed book examination at end of module (centrally timetabled January exam)
Centrally timetabled written unseen examination - 50%