Course Details in 2027/28 Session

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Module Title LH Advanced Communications Systems
SchoolSchool of Engineering
Department Elec, Elec & Sys Engineering
Module Code 04 30066
Module Lead Alex Feresidis
Level Honours Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-32 hours
Tutorial-6 hours
Demonstration-8 hours
Guided independent study-154 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description 1. RF & Microwave Communicaton link components.
a. An introduction to Noise temperature, noise factor and sources of noise.
b. Discussion of microwave links based on Link budget.
2. Basic theory of antennas, their properties and behaviour.
a. Microstrip antennas. Mobile phone antennas. Array antennas for smart/adaptive communications and radar.
3. Plane wave propagation and polarisation.
a. Interaction of plane waves with dielectric and metallic boundaries.
4. Transmission Lines as an extension to normal wire conductors.
a. Reasons for using transmission line techniques.
b. Coaxial lines, microstrip lines, and their use in microwave circuits.
c. Reflections, VSWR, reflection coefficient and matching.
5. Microwave measurement systems and associated errors – demonstration.
6. Introduction to Microwave CAD package for visualisation and self study.
7. Introduction to Radio System Simulation for visualisation and self study
8. Base‐band signals and line codes
a. Line codes including polar, bipolar and Manchester
b. ISI and pulse shaping technique
c. Matched filtering
9. Digital modulation
a. Binary, Quadrature and M‐ary Phase shift Keying
b. Frequency shift Keying, including MSK
c. M‐ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
d. Spread‐Spectrum modulation
e. Modulators and Demodulators
10. Multiple access technique
a. Introduction
b. Frequency division
c. Time division
d. Code Division
e. Space division
11. Wireless channels
a. Introduction
b. Flat fading channel
c. Frequency selective channel
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate understanding of the basic properties of radiated electromagnetic waves and antennas.
  • Manipulate the interactions of transmission line circuit components and antennas.
  • Perform a detailed analysis and describe the measurement process of antennas and high frequency circuits used in communications systems.
  • Describe digital base‐band and pass‐band signals and modulation ‐ demodulation methods and techniques;
  • Explain the basic principles behind communications, and specifically wireless systems;
  • Analyse the major parameters and architectures of modern communication systems.
Assessment 30066-01 : Coursework : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Assessment of the module will be 100% by continuous assessment and coursework according to:
End of topic Canvas quizzes: 20% total
Part 1 communication systems coursework: 40%
Part 2 communication electromagnetics coursework: 40%


The supplementary assessment will be a single coursework with a deadline near the supplementary exam period covering all aspects of the module and all learning outcomes.
Reading List