Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Advanced Fuels and Powertrain Systems
SchoolSchool of Engineering
Department Mechanical Engineering
Module Code 04 33366
Module Lead Dr Jose Martin Herreros
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Pre-requisites Thermodynamics and Fluids - (04 23809)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Seminar-10 hours
Tutorial-40 hours
Guided independent study-130 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description The aim of the module is to provide the opportunity for the students to study advanced aspects of clean and sustainable energy storage and propulsion systems and to apply their CAE skills on a project that requires the integration of knowledge and skill accumulated in the whole programme of study.

Syllabus details:

Introduction to Fuels and Powertrain systems
Powertrain systems based on combustion technologies
Alternative Fuels and technologies to control emissions
Fuel cell vehicles (FCV) and Liquefied Nitrogen Powertrain systems
Electrified Powertrain technologies

Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of mathematical and scientific principles and methodology necessary to underpin advanced aspects of clean and sustainable propulsion systems
  • Demonstrate a wide knowledge in the design process of a powertrain system and the ability to apply, adapt and critically evaluate the outcomes in unfamiliar situations
  • Understand engineering principles and the ability to apply them assessing their limitations to analyse sustainable propulsion systems
  • Demonstrate awareness of relevant regulatory requirements governing engineering activities in the context of development of powertrains systems for mobile and non-mobile applications
  • Demonstrate awareness and understanding of contexts in which engineering knowledge can be applied to promote sustainable development of powertrain systems
Assessment 33366-01 : Module Mark : Mixed (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Assessment: 100% continuous assessment comprising of:
(50%) Written assessment
(50%) Presentation


(100%) Written coursework assessment during the University's supplementary period

Reading List