Course Details in 2022/23 Session

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Module Title LI Computing for Chemical Engineers
SchoolChemical Engineering
Department Chemical Engineering
Module Code 04 33607
Module Lead Dr Tom Mills
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-3 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-36 hours
Guided independent study-61 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description The module develops students' skills in using tools such as MATLAB and Excel, and introduces students to other advanced computer-based design tools such as SIMSCI PRO/II. It is intended that students will use these tools in concurrent and subsequent modules, particularly the modules Product Design Exercise (Year 2) and the Design Project (Level M; Year 3 or 4). It is presumed that the students are familiar with MATLAB and Excel from Year 1 Modelling Concepts and Tools, if not earlier experiences. The demonstration of these design tools requires production of an outline process engineering design of a unit operation as a vehicle on which to practise the work.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Understand the circumstances which make the use of software design tools appropriate and necessary, and choose the appropriate tool for a given task
  • Solve engineering problems by programming/flowsheeting in the appropriate program
Assessment 33607-01 : Class Test : Class Test (20%)
33607-03 : Main Class Test : Class Test (80%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
20% mini Class test 80% Class Test

Class test 100% in supplementary period
Reading List