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Module Title
LH Surface and Groundwater Hydrology
School of Engineering
Civil Engineering
Module Code
04 34300
Module Lead
Xilin Xia
Honours Level
Semester 2
Incoming students must have an understanding of basic concepts of forces, momentum and energy transfer, including Bernoulli’s equation, and concepts such as laminar and turbulent flow and Reynolds number.
Contact Hours
Lecture-22 hours
Tutorial-11 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-8 hours
Guided independent study-59 hours Total: 100 hours
This module will develop students' understanding of hydrological processes with a specific focus on the surface water and hydrogeological domains. It will illustrate the practical applications of hydrology and hydrogeology and will cover:
The hydrological cycle and its components.
Precipitation processes, types and measurement.
Surface water flow.
Hydrograph analysis.
Rainfall runoff modelling and the Rational Method.
Storage routing.
Channel routing.
Introduction to Groundwater flow.
Darcy's Equation.
Introduction to flow through aquifers.
Introduction to well hydraulics.
Confined and unconfined aquifers.
Steady state well hydraulics.
Pumping test analysis.
This module provides students with the skills necessary to perform hydrologic modelling and water resources management by increasing students' quantitative analytical skills.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Explain the hydrologic cycle and its components
Explain precipitation processes, surface water flow and hydrographs
Understand the principals of rainfall-runoff modelling and apply the Rational method for designing culverts and channels
Perform hydrologic and hydraulic flood routing
Have a good understanding of the principals of Groundwater flow and Darcy's law
Understand and solve problems of flow through confined and unconfined aquifers
Calculate groundwater water levels by applying knowledge of well hydraulics
Understand how to build a simple hydrologic model in a software (e.g. HEC-HMS)
Learn the concept of model calibration and calibrate a hydrologic model.
34300-01 : Module Mark : Mixed (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Main assessment 50% by 2 hour written, unseen examination
50% by Coursework on using software to perform hydrologic modelling
2 hour written, unseen examination (50% for students who have submitted a CW, 100% for other students)