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Module Title
LH Water Transmission and Treatment
School of Engineering
Civil Engineering
Module Code
04 34304
Module Lead
Mike Jesson
Honours Level
Semester 1
Both exam and coursework must be passed (>=40%).
Contact Hours
Lecture-22 hours
Tutorial-11 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-6 hours
Guided independent study-61 hours Total: 100 hours
This module provides students with the skills necessary to design systems for the transmission of water (and other fluids), and the treatment of both waste water (sewage) and potable (drinking) water. Pipe flow will be discussed in detail, demonstrating how energy is lost in pipes and pipe networks, and how this can be overcome through appropriately designed pumps. An overview of the engineered water cycle will be given, with a detailed discussion of water and wastewater treatment processes and design.
The theory behind energy loss equations for flow through straight pipes will be developed and applied. The calculation of losses in the bends, valves and other fittings will also discussed. Important issues around the pumping of fluids, such as input power and cavitation, will be taught and applied.
Water treatment will investigate how the intake quality of raw water affects process selection and the theory and operation of the main water treatment processes. The wastewater treatment lectures will investigate the nature of flow and pollutant loads into sewage treatment works, followed by the design and operation of the main wastewater treatment processes.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Explain and apply the theory of flow in pipes.
Calculate the energy losses in pipes and their fittings.
Select appropriate pumps for pipe system, taking into account efficiency and of operation and prevention of cavitation.
Explain the differences between potable water sources and the basic processes used to treat different waters; solve associated numerical problems.
Describe the significance of influent wastewater flows and loads on treatment process design and selection and solve associated numerical problems.
Apply knowledge of the main unit processes involved in water and waste water treatment to solve process and design problems.