The ability to collect relevant information from processes and then analyse and make use of the information underpins a lot of process development, both within research and in industry.
Design of Experiment methodologies are presented to understand how to collect relevant data, with then a series of relevant case studies looking at research and industry process measurement, sensors and data acquisition and then analysis and use of the collected data.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Categorise measurement and sensor technologies and describe their use in research and industrial applications.
Explain the use of design of experiment methodologies and critically appraise (or create) methodologies for a research or industrial application.
34536-01 : Coursework : Coursework (80%)
34536-02 : Quiz : Class Test (20%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessments: 20% class test (online), 80% written coursework (Canvas). Reassessment: 100% written coursework.