Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2022/23 Session

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Module Title LF Group Project
SchoolMetallurgy and Materials
Department Metallurgy & Materials
Module Code 04 34671
Module Lead Neil Drury
Level Foundation Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions Safeguarding is led by the BIA for under 18s, academics teaching this module would not have 1-1 meetings with students in private offices with U18. Academics having 1-1 tutorials will be DBS checked and aware of relevant safeguarding procedures.
Contact Hours Tutorial-11 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-22 hours
Guided independent study-67 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description The module introduces students to basic aspects of multidisciplinary STEM project work, such as project management, team work, design skills and construction. The Group Project will undertake a design, construction and testing of a robot.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Understand particular technical topics in depth (for instance, robot assembly, Arduino coding, appropriate choice of component to solve a real problem)
  • Demonstrate an understanding (gained from practical experience) of project organisation, implementation and critical analysis
  • Evaluate and choose between potential solutions to a problem
  • Appreciate the dynamics of working in a group
  • Demonstrate oral presentation skills
  • Manage time and resources effectively
Assessment 34671-01 : group task week 4 : Coursework (15%)
34671-02 : practical challenge week 9 : Practical (15%)
34671-03 : group presentation : Presentation (20%)
34671-04 : final individual report : Coursework (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Interim Design (500 word) (15%)
Group presentation (20%)
Practical Test (15%)
Final individual Report 2500 word (50%)


Resubmission of Final Report (100%)
Reading List