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Module Title
LM Advanced Project
School of Engineering
Civil Engineering
Module Code
04 38872
Module Lead
Dr Richard J Davies
Masters Level
Full Term
Contact Hours
Lecture-10 hours
Seminar-20 hours
Project supervision-20 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-10 hours
Guided independent study-540 hours Total: 600 hours
This module will involve the following:
Carrying out an independent study, focused on a specific chosen research topic and demonstrating the ability to produce original and innovative work by analysing information critically and comparing it with the current state of knowledge in this particular topic. The project will involve a literature review, methodology, collation of data, analysis, presentation of results, discussion and conclusions. The project must have at least one of the following elements: modelling, state-of-the-art literature review and data gathering.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Explore available resources to carry out appropriate investigations on a chosen topic to produce original work that includes a clear element of research.
Demonstrate ability to define a research problem.
Demonstrate ability to analyse data to draw conclusions about a research problem at hand.
Independently plan a period of research.
Demonstrate ability to manage their time.
Apply principles of research methods by demonstrating the use of theory, data and the potential of the research findings.
Demonstrate their ability to project concisely a problem-solving methodology and its associated results Prepare a paper at professional standards as required by a conference or scientific journal.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessments: Project thesis (80%): 5000 words, equivalent to a good journal or conference paper in the research area Oral examination (20%)
Reassessments: Revise and resubmit paper (100%)
accrediting body: CAA in the UAE and JBM in the UK