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Module Title
LM Railway Control and Digital Systems
School of Engineering
Civil Engineering
Module Code
04 38999
Module Lead
Hongsin Kim
Masters Level
Semester 1
Contact Hours
Lecture-34 hours
Tutorial-6 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-10 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-5 hours
External Visits-5 hours
Guided independent study-140 hours Total: 200 hours
This module allows students to gain a detailed knowledge and understanding of signalling, control, and digital systems within railways. It covers fundamental principles and concepts for the design, implementation, reliability, and maintainability of signalling and railway control systems, as well as other digital systems within railways, taking into account the essential requirements of cost, capacity and customer comfort, while minimising carbon output. Technical and operation considerations for railway systems, such as safety and information security are addressed throughout the module. Digital system analysis and synthesis techniques are also included, for example modelling and simulation, to enable a thorough understanding and application of railway control functions and digital systems.
The module is delivered through case studies, interactive lectures, and team activities to develop the requisite knowledge, knowhow and skills, with support from guest lecturers from industry.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Calculate railway capacity for different types of lineside and train-based signalling and railway control systems, including absolute moving block and the concepts of virtual coupling;
Analyse the safety and performance, in terms reliability and accuracy, of complex signalling, control, and digital systems in place across the world, both qualitatively and quantitatively;
Select the appropriate railway control and/or digital systems for different types of railway, including the choice of train location technology and track to train communication and v.v;
Create basic digital models of railway control systems and apply digital techniques to the analysis and design of systems of railway control and service management systems;
Identify and create appropriate carbon reduction approaches for railway control systems and other railway digital systems;
Select and apply the appropriate grade of automation for the operation and protection of a railway of any type, e.g., high-speed, mainline, metro, and tram.
38999-05 : Module Mark : Mixed (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
2-hour exam (50%); Report (25%); Digital model (25%).