Course Details in 2022/23 Session

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Module Title LM Financial Engineering Project
Department Mathematics
Module Code 06 23839
Module Lead Dr Hui Li
Level Masters Level
Credits 60
Restrictions None
Description The modelling in financial engineering requires more than simply technically mathematical and computational skill. Critical and judicious simplification and approximation are required in order to determine how a dynamic system should be modelled, what predictions are of interest, what objects need to be optimized and what level of accuracy is required. It will take considerable skill and experience to learn how to present modelling results to scientists who do not have a mathematical or computational modelling background.
This module gives the students an opportunity to carry out independent study of a topic in financial context that particularly interests them. This will involve either applying or expanding the skills learned in the taught modules. It will also involve critical analysis of the problem under investigation in the context of known literature, description of the methods used or developed and presentation of the final results.
These skills can only be developed through a combination of independent study, oral and written reports, and discussion with peers and supervisors. This module will enable students to take part in these activities in order to develop their ability to review modelling studies critically, and indicate how they may be tested, refined and exploited further.
The principal part of the module is the preparation of a summer research project reviewing and reflecting on research in an area of modelling research.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • View and perform critical analysis of a problem based on the fundamental principles of financial engineering.
  • Independently conduct research and manage their time.
  • Identify ways in which models may be tested, developed or improved.
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and apply the financial engineering.
  • Present critical analysis of research in the form of a written report, an oral presentation, and be able to answer questions on their presentation.
  • Interpret the financial implications of modelling in addition to mathematical and computational aspects to general audience.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Written final project report (80%), written draft project report (10%), project oral presentation (10%).
Reading List