The power and applicability of mathematics relies on transforming real world problems into problems stated in the language of mathematics. This process is called mathematical modelling. Only once we have a mathematical model of a problem can we then attempt to solve it by applying the many powerful techniques mathematics affords us. This module aims to develop an ability to approach, model and solve problems, mathematical maturity and confidence, and a logical writing style. By working with both real world and abstract problems expressed in words, students will begin to appreciate the status of proofs, the importance of formulating and using precise definitions, the power of approximation and the applicability of mathematical techniques. Problems from a variety of areas of mathematics will be used. Indeed a strength of this module is the absence of focus on one particular mathematical topic: equivalent outcomes are achieved using parallel problem sets, potentially enabling greater independent work by individuals or small groups.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Approach unseen problems, making appropriate modelling approximations and formalising word problems, choosing appropriate notation,
Work on problems individually and in groups.
Present mathematical arguments to others, comment on other student’s arguments.
Write in a clear, logical style.
25662-01 : Raw Module Mark : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
100% for work done during the semester
Reassessment: either a typeset report or a 2 hour examination