Group theory is the mathematical study of symmetry. In this course groups and their actions on sets, and geometric structures will be studied. A highlight of this course is Sylow's Theorem, which is probably the most fundamental results about the structure of finite groups. Finite simple groups are the building blocks from which all finite groups are built (the Jordan-Holder theorem makes this statement precise) and these will be studied. The alternating groups and linear groups will be introduced as first examples of non-abelian simple groups.
Later in the course field automorphisms may be considered so that an overview of Galois Theory can be given.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Understand and apply the theory of groups and group actions and calculate in examples
Understand the concepts of homomorphism, isomorphisms and quotient groups
Analyse the structure of groups using Sylow’s theorem and other results from the course, for example, the Jordan-Holder theorem
29727-01 : Raw Module Mark : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
3 hour Written Unseen Examination (80%); In-course Assessment (20%).