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Module Title
LM Intelligent Robotics (Extended)
Computer Science
Computer Science
Module Code
06 30244
Module Lead
Melanie Jouaiti
Masters Level
Semester 1
There is a limited number of places determined by the number of robot platforms available. This will be determined each September. Students will be selected on the basis of previous performance as an indicator for aptitude.
Artificial Intelligence is concerned with mechanisms for generating intelligent behaviour. When this behaviour occurs in the everyday physical world, with its uncertainty and rapid change, we find that all kinds of new problems and opportunities arise. In this module we will address these issues in the context of intelligent mobile robots. The lectures will teach theories of perception, estimation, prediction, decision- making, learning and control, all from the perspective of robotics. In the laboratory sessions students will implement some of these theories on real robots to see how theory can be applied in practice.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of algorithms for perception, reasoning and control
Implement some of these algorithms to generate intelligent behaviour on a robot
Describe and analyse the performance of algorithms, system components and complete robot systems using appropriate methods
Design, execute and write up appropriate experiments and use their results to inform robot design
The student should demonstrate the capacity to independently study, understand, and critically evaluate advanced materials or research articles in the subject areas covered by this module.