Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LF Elementary Computer Programming
SchoolEPS - College Hub
Department EPS - College Hub
Module Code 06 37559
Module Lead Kashif Rajpoot
Level Foundation Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Description To introduce basic concepts of computer programming in a procedural language. In so doing, students will both gain practical experience in programming, use some of the basic structures of concepts of procedural programming and have an insight into some of the capabilities and limitations of programming.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Identify data types and be able to manipulate them
  • Identify basic programming constructs such as sequence, branching and iteration and construct programming code using these constructs
  • Reason using Boolean logic, both in in constructing conditional expressions and with truth tables
  • Understand and use simple problem decomposition in designing programs, particularly in the use of functions and procedures.
Assessment 37559-01 : Assignment -1 : Coursework (30%)
37559-02 : Assignment -2 : Coursework (50%)
37559-03 : Assignment -3 : Coursework (20%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Main Assessments: Continuous assessment (100%
Supplementary Assessments: Continuous assessment (100% over the Summer period
Reading List